Op 24 maart maakte Roxane op haar facebook bekend dat ze stopt met topsport:
It’s the end of an era!
It’s been almost 15 years since I fought my first international competition but today I’ve decided to leave high level judo behind me and choose another path in life. It’s been quite a journey with a lot of ups and downs. I had the privilege to get to know a lot of people all around the world from which some became really good friends. It shows that no matter how hard your battle on the tatami may be, outside you can create alliances that are incomparable to any medal.
The last couple of years have been hard on me with a lot of injuries, policy changes etc. It felt like I started to fight my battles before the competition was even there. I fought with tooth and nail and I didn’t achieve everything what I really wanted but in the end that’s another lesson of life. I can still look back happy and without regrets.
I’m very well aware that non of this would have been possible without the support of so many people. First of all my family, in every training, competition, fight or decision, you were there and you had my back. You had listened to a lot of issues but you also got to see a lot of smiles and happy tears. You taught me so many wise lessons, I’m so grateful for all of that. I will never forget those and I’ll add them to my life guide.
Satori Kwai Satori Kwai Mortsel Who always welcomes me with open arms no matter how bad or how good it’s going, you are there for me. Thank you
To my federation, my sponsors and all people who supported me through crowdfunding or a non-materialistic way or a way that I might not even know about, thank you all so much. Judo Vlaanderen #topjudoantwerpen
I’ve learned so much on this journey, so many lessons and memories were created without even knowing. I’ll cherish every single one of them forever.
Roxane vocht in de categorie -70kg en heeft tal van overwinningen behaald. Haar palmares vind je op JudoInside

Bedankt Roxane, en we wensen je alle succes in al wat volgt.